Thursday, October 17, 2013

Amending the Constitution so Corporations cannot buy Elections.

Citizens United is a travesty that is killing America. 

Chief Justice John Roberts is a corrupt Bush appointee who is just a conservative stooge.

Not only should Citizens United be overturned before the USA fades into history, Roberts should be impeached and prosecuted. 

Only yesterday Obama admitted that although America's economy is in recovery - it's ONLY the top 1% who are benefiting.

See you on the water, Ling Yai (Thai for 'Big Monkey') AKA John Caveman Gray

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Friday, October 11, 2013

Farmed chicken - the conditions

If it's this bad in the USA, imagine how bad it is in Thailand - every time you go to KFC! 

And think of the chemicals that go into the chickens - including Ya-Ba so they lay 10-12 eggs a day instead of one. 

This is why on our trips we only use free range chicken and eggs. 

I'm vegan, so if I had my choice we wouldn't even serve chicken, but we are in service to the public so we have to appease the carnivores out there. 

See you on the water, Ling Yai (Thai for 'Big Monkey') AKA John Caveman Gray

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

A solution for Syria

As citizens around the world horrified by the slaughter of innocents in Syria, we call on you to put aside your differences and meet to find a diplomatic path forward that brings all parties to the table to negotiate a ceasefire and peace. You are in a unique position to help broker such a solution. There must be a bold diplomatic breakthrough. We are calling on you to create one and start saving lives.

See you on the water, Ling Yai (Thai for 'Big Monkey') AKA John Caveman Gray

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