Monday, May 26, 2014

Phuket Tatler and John Gray

"Environmentalist John Gray is convinced that education is the key"

- quote from Phuket Tatler

See you on the water, Ling Yai (Thai for 'Big Monkey') AKA John Caveman Gray

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Antarctic Glacial Melting is unstoppable

image from Scientific American

From Scientific American: This study is both amazing and alarming - and real. 

This is why I made the decision in 1960:

 not to have children
 I don't own a car
 live in a 7m x 7m house
 don't eat meat (animal husbandry is cruel, unhealthy and a top GM contributor) 
 do not air-con my house. 

I still contribute to much!

See you on the water, Ling Yai (Thai for 'Big Monkey') AKA John Caveman Gray

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