Thursday, March 17, 2011

US Politics (3 of 3)

If we ever expect liberalism to carry the day, we have to clean our own house and rid ourselves of the Emanuel’s of the World.  Obama MUST focus his persuasive powers on "Doing The right Thing", damn the consequences.  (In my life, I always select the “Right Thing” over expediency and it has never failed me in the long run.)

Tell the Japanese to forget the American market until they stop the genocide of whaling – bring jobs back to America.  We should also reduce the deficit by starting Class Action lawsuits on the various sins of Chinese imports - tainted goods, computers, intellectual property rights, sweat shop labor and all the rest.  The suits are open and shut cases, and we take the judgments from our current accounts deficit and put them money into the hands of American consumers.  If that starts a trade war, so be it – again, we bring jobs back to American workers.

Doing the Right thing is never easy, especially in the short run, but it’s what built America.  Just look at our historical greats - we remember them exactly because they did the right thing in the face of adversity.  Going to bed with Wall Street and having Emanuel as your right hand man will not lead to the solutions America needs right now.  

See you on the water, Ling Yai (Thai for 'Big Monkey') AKA John Caveman Gray

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