Thursday, June 2, 2011

A zoo? I would say it's a prison and hunting!!!!

I'm a lifelong wildlife rehabber.  My job is to get my "orphans" back into the wild as soon as possible.  Unless I have an injured animal that requires caging for its own protection until it can take care of itself, (such as a bird with broken or severely clipped wings) I never cage or tether an animal.  As soon as it is healthy, it's on its way.  My first rehab job was a pigeon that flew to school with me every day and sat on my shoulder in class (1st grade).  It was the smartest pigeon ever!

My guess is this litter of two was born with defects.  The mother knew them intuitively, and rejected both cubs.  That's Nature, folks.  

As to zoo's, I don't care for them but we are getting better at it.  I was Ecotourism consultant for Singapore and they do a pretty good job with their zoos.  I did find one distressed hyena in the night safari that just paced back and forth in a line, but the other animals were fairly well taken care of.  I didn't like the raptors tethered at Jurong Bird Park, but their fly cages are so big most of the birds don't even realize they are in cages.  

I also think Jack Hannah is a jerk for endorsing hunting.  The only honorable hunting is to let hunters hunt each other.  The world will be a better place when all the hunters kill each other off.  Are you listening, Sarah Palin?

(Ed - Don't visit Phuket Zoo!)

See you on the water, Ling Yai (Thai for 'Big Monkey') AKA John Caveman Gray

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