Sunday, July 22, 2012

Socrates and Thailand

Not many people remember but Socrates was against the 'Democracy' which was emerging in Ancient Greece....

"Ideals belong in a world that only the wise man can understand". He had no particular beliefs on politics but did object to democracy, but disliked its Athenian form. Basically, he objected to any government that did not run on the basis of his ideas of perfect governance. Socrates refused to enter politics because he could not tell other people how to lead their lives when he didn't know how to live his own. He thought he was a philosopher of truth, which he had not fully discovered. Towards the end of his life, democracy was supplanted by the Thirty Tyrants for around one year, before being restored. For Socrates, the Thirty Tyrants were no better and arguably worse rulers than the democracy they sought to replace."

America is proud of itself and that you are unable to buy a vote with any amount of money BUT you can give all this money to the Ad Agencies and the Television - I am not sure that this is what Socrates meant when he conceptualised 'democracy'.

Do not forget - I can live but I cannot vote in Thailand - what would Socrates made of this?

See you on the water, Ling Yai (Thai for 'Big Monkey') AKA John Caveman Gray

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