Thursday, October 13, 2011

The barbaric trade in dog meat in Asia

photo from wikipedia
Great to see the Thailand SPCA finally taking up the cause of dogs exported to Vietnam to eat. Not only is this cruel, barbaric and disgusting, but its also bad Karma! Vietnam's history is 2,000 years of war! 

I took some Hawai'i friends to Halong Bay. In Hanoi we heard some dogs crying on a rainy night. We all ran to help, only to find a dozen dogs packed tightly over and around each other stuffed into a wire cage so tight they could not move. The restaurant owner left these helpless dogs out in the rain so they would cry more. He called this brutality "Advertising". He should have been in jail - or worse.

I'm vegetarian and cannot kill any animal, but dogs are special - "Human's Best Friends"!

See you on the water, Ling Yai (Thai for 'Big Monkey') AKA John Caveman Gray

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  1. Well, I guess it is culture. There is nothing wrong with eating dog meat. Dogs are just as intelligent as pigs, but pigs are slaughtered and dogs are loved. I guess it is also "cuteness".
    Yes, you can say I really, really disagree with you.

  2. John would agree with you - he is Vegan.

  3. Dont forget that before these animals end up on your dinner plate they are brutalised and terrorised usually suffering slow agonising deaths. In some cases especially in parts of China the dogs are actually skinned alive as the local feel that this makes the meat more tender.
